Same day flower delivery available
Interflora Australia assists businesses in connecting with their customers and staff through the delivery of flowers, hampers and gifts throughout Australia, Vanuatu and the world. Interflora has Australia’s largest floristry network with over 650 locally operated florists staffed by fully qualified florists.
Corporate Products
Whether your colleagues and clients are working from home this year, interstate, or in the office, show your absolute appreciation to your staff and clients for their continual hard work and support throughout this year with a lovely floral or hamper product this holiday season.
If you’d like to order multiple corporate gifts (3 or more), please enquire by sending us an email and our friendly customer support team will work directly with you to help organise and thank your staff and clients.
For more information about Interflora Corporate including volume-based incentives, please contact:
Freecall: 1800 808 500