Same day flower delivery available
Interflora will deliver flowers and gifts to virtually anywhere in Australia and almost anywhere in the world, where fresh flowers are available. Naturally, our delivery service is subject to local conditions. Delivery is usually available within 24 hours, but occasionally may be longer, depending on time zones and local conditions. Some areas in some countries (including Australia) are classified as remote/regional delivery areas. Deliveries to these locations may take up to 48 hours or longer depending on the location.
Delivery within Australia and the rest of the world is not guaranteed on Public Holidays, Saturday after 10am or Sundays.
All Interflora designs are a guide to the style of flowers and gifts that will be delivered. Flowers, gourmet foods, containers and accessories may vary according to regional or seasonal availability, or when they do not meet our quality standards.
Same day delivery to a residential address within Australia from Monday to Friday is possible as long as the order is placed before 2pm in the recipient’s time zone. All orders placed after 2pm for same day delivery will be delivered the next available day.
For business addresses, your order must be placed by 1pm to ensure it arrives before 5pm.
Same day delivery within Australia, including Melbourne, on Saturdays is possible as long as the order is placed before 10am in the recipient’s time zone.
Deliveries to rural or regional locations may take up to 48 hours.
If your delivery is urgent please call the Interflora Flowerline on 1800 808 500 (available in Australia only) for up-to-the-minute advice on delivery availability.