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Same day flower delivery available


Flower Bouquets

Interflora offers an extensive range of fresh flower bouquets, from classic roses, lilies, tulips and orchids. You can choose from a variety of colours and textures to help you find a flower gift that will appeal to every personality. No matter what the occasion, be it a birthday, anniversary, get well or just because, a flower bouquet is sure to take their breath away. Thanks to our network of local florists, your flower bouquet gift will be delivered with fresh flowers as it is delivered from a location nearby to ensure the best product possible. We offer same day flower delivery when you order before 2pm in the recipient’s time zone. Spoil your friends and family, order a bouquet of flowers with Interfora today!


The best thing about sending flowers and gifts is that they are the perfect way to express your feelings in a way that words cannot. From a romantic gesture to a thank you, flowers can be the perfect gift for any occasion.

Interflora Australia has been operating across our country since 1954. Originally based in Adelaide, South Australia, we now operate out of Interflora House in Melbourne, Victoria. Interflora Australia is 100% Australian owned - via a licensing agreement, issued to us from Interflora in the United Kingdom...